Animal Success Stories

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(Aug '11) "Jaxon was telling Chloe a story!"

Knox Pitt

(Aug. '11) "We are doing pretty good. Knox has been the best first day dog I've ever owned but he's got alot of growing to do. The folks who were fostering him did a wonderful job, he's very obedient and affectionate. I have attached some photos, we will be taking lots and lots more."


Aug '11 Remember Bud who was rescued Christmas eve and had bald spots on him? He was adopted this year and is VERY loved by his family. He's so much happier now. This pic was taken as he came to visit us last Saturday at our Adoption Event.


August '11 We received several ADORABLE pics of Layla from her adoptive mom - she is in love with Layla, and we can tell Layla is loving her new life! That's what it's all about.


(July '11) "We love our Junebug!" Junebug is the former Thelma.

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