Animal Success Stories

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I call her "Queen of the Tundra --- A voice from the past - but- I did want to give you an update on Sable (a.k.a. Mia). As you may remember, I moved to Puvirnituq in the arctic almost exactly one year ago. At that time, I made a pact with Sable that where ever I go, she goes! She is totally amazing and has adapted very well to the tundra and arctic conditions. She made tons of friends with the huskies that roam around - in fact, they often wait at the bottom of my steps for her to come out and play!!! The Inuit do not consider dogs as pets and there fore the dogs up there never are allowed inside houses - poor things often never even have shelter except under houses!! But, they love Sable and she loves them! They of course are better adapted to -60F weather but she would never let me put on her coat that I bought would sit and look at me as if to say 'you must be joking - I am NOT going out in that thing" out she would go "au nature"l - she quickly learned that if you keep running, you stay warm. On the worst days she did not stay out long tho!!!! When I come back to Montreal, she comes also.....she is a real trooper about flying now and knows the routine well. She continues to be in excellent health and in top shape as you can see from the photo. Buda, the Husky in the photo, is one of her best friends. Buda is one of the lucky huskies that was adopted by a colleague of mine as a pup.......he is a wonderful animal and pet!!! We often drive out to the tundra and they can run loose for hours! I am loving the adventure that I am on - my work is both exciting and challenging and for those long , cold winter nights, I love the company of Sable. She continues to be a endless soutce of joy for me... Knowing how much you care for all of your "babies", thought you might like the from Jane and Sable