Animal Success Stories

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Saturday 4/24/10, Proverbs 12:10 took in the sweet baby who was found by a deputy sheriff. Jasper's lower right front leg was missing and the bones protruding. Animal control said, "Blow his brains out and put him out of his misery." The Boarding facility said he was too aggressive to board. It breaks my heart to think of the countless animals who growl out of fear that are put to death by people too impatient to work with them. Just look at Japser NOW!! and think about what could have happened. After a few short weeks, he has come through the amputation of his leg, found a loving, caring home and is a contented housedog. I personally want to thank the officer who took time to get this boy help, the folks who donated, Cornerstone who treated him, and now, Jessica who loves him. This, my friends, is what rescue is about. God bless Jasper! LIFE IS A GIFT!